#srisathyasaibaba #prasanthinilayam #srisathyasaimediacentre #puttaparthi #srisathyasai
@TrichurBrothers @CarnaticClassicalMusic @SaregamaMusic @saregamacarnatic @CarnaticClassical
Srikrishna Mohan and Ramkumar Mohan are Carnatic classical musicians. The title "Trichur Brothers" was conferred on them by HH Jayendra Saraswathi Maha Swamigal of Kanchi Mutt. Their father is veteran Mridangam Vidwan Shri Trichur R Mohan.
All three of them performed in the Divine Presence of Bhagawan in the Sai Kulwant Hall on the occasion of Tamil New Year Day - April 14, 2023.
Vathapi Ganapathim Bhaje... was the one of the songs they offered on that day.
vaataapi gaNapatim bajEham |
vaaraNaasyam varapradam shree ||
bootaadi sam sEvita caraNam |
boota bowdika prapanca baraNam ||
veetaraagiNam vinata yOginam (shree) |
vishva kaaraNam vigna vaaraNam ||
puraa kumba sambhava munivara prapoojitam |
trikONa madya gatam |
muraari pramukaat yupaasitam |
moolaadhaara kshEtraa stitam |
paraadi sattvaari vaakaatmagam |
praNava svaroopa vakratunDam |
nirandaram niDala candra kaNDam |
nija vaamakara vidrutEkshutanDam |
karaambuja paaSa beejaapooram |
kaloosha vidhooram bootaahaaram |
haraadi guruguha tOshita bimbam |
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"Prasanthi Bhajan Group" (Artist) Bhajans
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