Welcome to our session 0! Come and meet the cast and get ready for our upcoming campaign!
Thanks to our sponsor, Bookwyrm Games! Go visit https://www.bookwyrmgames.com and use code DORKTALES to save 15%.
Vecna: Eve of Ruin airs every most Fridays at 7pm Pacific on Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/dorktales) and will be uploaded to YouTube the following Monday unless there's an unforeseen problem.
#dungeonsanddragons #dnd #dorktales #dnd5e #actualplay #tabletop #ttrpg #rpg #liveplay #5E #wizardsofthecoast #dndcosplay #d20 #lgbtqa #actualplayrpg #vecna #vecnaeveofruin
Thanks to our friends at ping.gg for helping us broadcast and record in high definition video! Visit them today to learn how you can too!
Kelly Clark as Dungeon Master
Christine Rattray as Rosie Thistledrop
Robin Holford as Lir'wen
Chris Blogg as Gaunt
Jen Peters as Imogen
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So smash the bell, share these videos, and we'll see you soon at our next game!
Graphic design by Michael Ilott.
Seriously, everything on Dork Tales looks as good as it does because
Michael makes it that way. Thank you for everything, Michael.
Want to support him? Watch his stream!
Character Art by Manilyn Toiledana
Our characters were brought to life by this amazing artist.
Go check out their work here:
All art used from Vecna: Eve of Ruin is the property of its respective rights holders.
Music credits:
Music: House of Secrets by Joel Steudler
Licensed under a Humblebundle Collection
The Following tracks by Monument Studios were used
Elven Secrets Mix B
Tracks licensed under the All-In-One Pack Or Fantasy Complete 2
Tracks from Monument Studios
Elven Secrets B
Licensed under a Fantasy Complete or All-In-One License https://www.monumentstudios.net
This video also uses licensed audio from the Humble Music & Sound Effects For Games, Films, and Content Creators Bundle Part 2. This , including our closing theme:
The Harrowing
Like what you heard? For background ambiance we used sounds from Tabletop Audio! Tabletop Audio is a site with a full toolkit of songs, special effects, and soundboards to bring your adventures to life! The composer, Tim, hosts the site for free, so give it a try and if you have a few spare bucks, definitely donate: the quality of his work is staggering.