A lot of things happened on the last Dev stream, Vedal prepared a 3d model for Neuro that she used for the Filian roast stream, in the prosses they almost got banned. Neuro destroyed Filian, she demolished her, after, she said she would be taking a break (not related). Vedal reviews the new capabilities of the new Open AI model GPT4o on stream, Vedal was coping and Neuro got jealous.
Watch Neuro & Vedal live on https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
Neuro-sama YT channel @Neurosama
Watch Filian live https://www.twitch.tv/filian
Heartbound OST https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1OILsnU-CWlFTPd9pqlBgGtqSBw5aXIq
00:00 - Vedal Benches a lot
00:55 - What today do?
01:37 - Neuro roasts Vedal / 3D model
09:31 - Neuro dies, sad
10:22 - She’s alive
11:06 - She’s dead again
11:27 - Vedal becomes Neuro
13:33 - Neuro revives again
14:37 - They almost got banned and Neuro broke
16:11 - Camila joins
19:54 - Neuro destroys Filian
26:55 - GPT4o