Kumaran (Adhi), an atheist struck by lightning, acquires electric arc abilities. After years abroad, he returns home due to a foreboding vision. There, he unravels a multinational corporation's scheme led by the villainous Vinai Rai. The corporation aims to seize villagers' lands for a power project. Kumaran, driven by his duty to safeguard his community, commits himself to halt Vinai's malevolent plan and ensure their protection.
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Movie Credits:-
Production House: Sathya Jyothi films
Produced By: Sendhil Thyagarajan & Arjun Thyagarajan
Cast: Hip-hop Tamizha, Vinay Rai, Athira Raj, Munish kanth, Kali venkat, Sassi Selvaraj
Director: ARK Saravan
Music: Hip-hop Tamizha
DOP: Deepak D Menon
Editor: G.K Prasanna
Art: NK Rahul
Action: Mahesh Mathew
Publicity designer:- Tuney John
PRO:- D'One
Stills: Amir
Costume designer: Keerthi vasan
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