Venezuela is famous for its “Lost Worlds” – foreboding mountains, huge swamps, and impenetrable jungles - all seemingly cut off in space and time. Yet each is linked, by the waters of a mighty river: The Orinoco, the rumoured route to El Dorado – the legendary city of gold.
Following the explorers’ journey up the Orinoco from mouth to source, we discover a delta haunted by pumas and festooned with Scarlet Ibis; a river that’s home to South America’s largest predator, the Orinoco Crocodile; Los Llanos – the swampy realm of the world’s largest rodent and its numerous predators; Mount Roraima – the spectacular flat-top mountain that inspired Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Lost World and Pixar’s movie Up; and the tropical jungle home of hallucinating shamans and tarantula-hunters.
The Orinoco was the first river in South America to be discovered, and the last to disclose its source. Its future is uncertain, but for now it still bonds some of Latin America’s most spectacular natural wonders - the real treasures of El Dorado.