A compilation of conversations between characters in Taal's Horn Keep, all regarding Sienna's new getup.
Content was found and recorded using the Dialogue Player mod, available on the workshop.
00:00 Markus Kruber
02:21 Bardin Goreksson
04:06 Kerillian
06:36 Franz Lohner
07:34 Victor Saltzpyre
10:50 Group conversations
14:42 Outro
Music used:
The Talking Book - The Fallen
Silent Hill - Innocent Moon
Voltaire - When You're Evil
Hungry Ghosts - Three Sisters
Pyre - The Eight Scribes (Acoustic White Lute edition)
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XYZ Fanimated for all animations non-Vermintide related - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJN7j2DS_3VavKFpf3UcB4gi_vkIsjWah
Vermintide Fanimated playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJN7j2DS_3VauA5KeMPHtFqjwaCPxeNMv
Darktide asset ripping guide (unlisted and work in progress): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2918680531
Wanna learn how to asset rip characters, textures and audio from Vermintide 2, too? I wrote down my workflow in this Steam guide (also includes a link to the audio file rip from 2023):