very FIRST thing u do with a ROTARY VALVE engine project, is to check exactly this VALVE! if the tolerance smaller than 0,1mm
it consits of two parts: 1) case 2) crank cheek. 0,05mm is needed und hat this valve will work properly and esp si carbs are setable.
which means, when u exchange one of the parts, just a crank is not enough and also not the case, only thr COMBINATION of both shows if this rv engine will worl properly.
Always ASK YOUR DEALER which parts will fit, to ensure 100% functionality of your engine. Just shiny hardware for a proud price with a famous name is not enough, most probably things are fine, but not always.. Therefore better check it by yourself.
these TWO PARTs do have a tolerance of less than 0,1mm, brand new, oi of the factory. All of them. fact 1.
fact 2: when a rv pad is renewed due to tolerance bigger than 0,05mm, the case is a) welded and b) slowly turned out till the tolerance is exactly 0,05mm. engines with renewed rc work perfectly.
fact 1 and fact 2 defines the basis for my recommendation regarding the VALVE:
- the smaller 0,1mm is an important basis for tuning.
- a rv tuning project? FIRST OF ALL check the tolerance, this saves a LOT of time nerves and money
if its not smaller 0,1mm with a renewed part, ask your dealer why that is so.
&no, blowback due2 "too long intake timings" is a technical wrong explanation, the discussion in the correct order: first the needed rv tolerance (VALVE works 100%)& THEN the discussion how long the intake timings are. Is the first factor fine, then there is no trouble with the 2nd. likewise: Is the 1st factor NOT ok, there is blowback even with origonal short intake timings (simply cause the valve is damaged)
checkout fb page picture folder "xxx" for diverse rv tolerance measurments with explanations
#rotaryvalve #tolerance #VespaTuning
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DISCLAIMER: the information shown in this video, is about THIS specific hardware. it is my personal observation documented with this video. It DOESNT automatically mean, that all such parts by this producer or seller do have or will have same issues.