Bottle Radha is a upcoming Indian-language comedy drama film written and directed by Dhinakaran Sivalingam, and produced by Pa. Ranjith under Neelam Productions in association with T. N. Arunbalaji of Balloon Pictures. The film was shot simultaneously in Tamil and Malayalam languages starring Guru Somasundaram and Sanchana Natarajan as the lead actors alongside John Vijay, Lollu Sabha Maaran, Merku Thodarchi Malai Antony, Pari Elavazhagan, Anbarasi and others in supporting roles. The technical team consists of cinematographer Roopesh Shaji, editor E. Sangathamizhan, and music composer Sean Roldan. Bottle Radha Trailer Launch happenend in Chennai today. Bottle Radha Trailer is Out Now. Presenting you the Mysskin speech about cast and crew of bottle radha movie. bottle radha public review will be out FDFS.
Bottle Radha was screened on 4 November 2023 in the Dharamshala International Film Festival. The film is scheduled to release in theatres on 24 January 2025.
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