呢個合輯係向與辰致敬,佢係馬來西亞一位真正嘅瑰寶。佢用靈魂去詮釋每一首歌,將佢哋變成自己嘅風格,展現出獨一無二嘅「Vic R&B stylie」,一直感動住全球無數嘅樂迷。 佢憑住堅持同熱誠走出自己嘅音樂路,激勵咗好多人,包括我自己。呢個合集收錄咗佢最精彩嘅作品,陪伴住我行過人生低潮,提醒自己即使面對絕望,都唔可以放棄。 呢條片,係獻俾所有曾經被佢觸動過嘅心靈、被佢啟發過嘅夢想,亦都係獻俾佢嗰把治癒人心嘅聲音,繼續溫暖同感動我哋每一個人。🌟❤️🔥✨
This compilation is a timeless tribute to Vic Teo, a true gem of Malaysia, whose soul-stirring renditions breathe new life into every song, making them uniquely his own. His signature "Vic R&B stylie" continues to captivate hearts worldwide, touching souls with its depth and sincerity. Through his journey of perseverance and passion, he has inspired many—including myself. This collection of his best works serves as a personal companion through life's rough patches, a reminder to never give up even in moments of despair. This video is dedicated to the hearts he has touched, the dreams he has inspired, and the magic of his therapeutic voice that continues to heal and uplift us all.
任何願意為歌曲加上歌詞嘅人,非常感謝! !
01. 0:00 是否
02. 3:35 回来
03. 8:17 憾
04. 13:12 哭不出來
05. 15:08 天黑黑
06. 17:16 心痛的感覺
07. 20:11 愛著愛著就永遠
08. 24:32 未單身
09. 27:35 未離開
10. 31:13 時間, 請你走慢一些
11. 35:46 爛配
12. 39:30 真的爱你
13. 40:36 等你下課
14. 45:12 連名帶姓
15. 50:24 那女孩對我說
16. 54:24 不遠
17. 59:10 從此以後
18. 1:03:34 Finally, 上癮
#張與辰 #victeo #中年好聲音3 #支持與辰 #馬來西亞之光 #與辰同行 #chinesesong #singer