I cant believe this vicious snake from out backyard swimming pool was able to come into the house and attack my sister! You saw last vlog "SNAKE PIT FOUND in my BACKYARD SWIMMING POOL!!" (https://youtu.be/eWlzxfUJiUg?si=njCTU0sJPULPxRBh) and Just like lucas and marcus dobre "A VICIOUS Snake came Into Our Home.." (https://youtu.be/off1cJWjDG4?si=jsQ-r5etRvud9wY2) the sharer fam now has a snake problem and this could delay the construction of their new backyard swimming pool if they cant get animal control officers to remove all of the snakes from the giant snake pit!! And these snakes are python boa constrictors and bit my sister Grace Sharer
WHAT IS HIDING IN STEPHEN SHARER's POOL?! "https://youtu.be/GOwF5QgTt08?si=bSbvz5tTtLVOnSpV"
"OUR NEW DOG BIT OUR BABY…" (https://youtu.be/nIhI4G14yV8?si=JGuoiRoG-NJ8a-pk)