The best game of the 1968 Candidates Quarterfinal Match between Boris Spassky and Efim Geller. Spassky had already played the Closed Sicilian in the previous rounds of the match, but Geller got better positions in those games. In this game, however, Spassky dramatically improved the variation and played ideal chess. While Geller's pieces were on the queenside, Spassky demolished Geller's kingside by means of vicious sacrifices, creating an attacking masterpiece.
1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 d6 3. g3 Nc6 4. Bg2 g6 5. d3 Bg7 6. f4 Nf6 7. Nf3 O-O 8. O-O Rb8 9. h3 b5 10. a3 a5 11. Be3 b4 12. axb4 axb4 13. Ne2 Bb7 14. b3 Ra8 15. Rc1 Ra2 16. g4 Qa8 17. Qe1 Qa6 18. Qf2 Na7 19. f5 Nb5 20. fxg6 hxg6 21. Ng5 Na3 22. Qh4 Rc8 23. Rxf6 exf6 24. Qh7+ Kf8 25. Nxf7 Rxc2 26. Bh6 Rxc1+ 27. Nxc1 Kxf7 28. Qxg7+ Ke8 29. g5 f5 30. Qxg6+ Kd7 31. Qf7+ Kc6 32. exf5+ 1-0