In 2017, the Hatchet series returned with the 4th movie of the franchise. "Victor Crowley" stars Kane Hodder, returning to Honey Island Swamp as the legendary ghost of Victor Crowley. As Hatchet 3 established why he was totally destroyed, of course they need to explain how he gets back.
And they do! I guess? It's not the most elaborate explanation, but compared to what they spend the rest of the running time on, at least it's something?
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00:00 - Introduction
01:18 - Back in my day
04:20 - The Legend of Andrew Yong
06:33 - Signature required
07:58 - Getting all the pieces in place
10:28 - Curses!
11:27 - Let's never leave this set
13:10 - Haunted swamp tour
15:13 - A brief respite
15:41 - Back at the airplane
16:52 - No one likes Andrew any more than before
17:57 - The body count rises
18:52 - Burying the hatchet
20:22 - Plans of action
21:40 - The Crowley faceoff
24:58 - Final thoughts
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