In this 3rd and final part of the series I will be repacking the spring barrels, greasing the springs, cleaning the chassis and reassembling the motor. I will only be showing the packing and greasing of one barrel as the procedure and parts for the second are the same though assembly will be shown in full. I hope that this helps you decide whether to tackle this project yourself. This took pretty much a full Saturday so plan accordingly. Though, in fairness, had I not had to worry about a camera the whole time, it probably would have been faster.
This procedure should work for all double barrel, 4-spring motors made by the Victor Talking Machine Company including the entire VV-400 series, the Orthophonic Credenza, the VV-XVI, and VV-111, as well, I'm sure, as many others.
As with all my videos I suggest you play this at x1.5 speed as I tend to speak slowly while I'm working and thinking out loud.