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معاني الجمل في نافذة smart
1. Raw Read Error Rate - the frequency of errors while reading from the plates. Crucial parameter.
3. Spin-Up Time - the time it takes to reach necessary spin. Can contain two values - how much time it took to spin last time it was run, and for example, the minimum time spin. It is measured either in milliseconds or in tens of milliseconds, and so on - it depends on the manufacturer and disk model. Also important parameter.
4. Number of Spin-Up Times (Start / Stop Count) - contains the number of times the disk was turned on\off. Never equals zero even if the disc was just bought in sealed package, this may indicate the number of tests at the factory.
5. Reallocated Sector Count - shows the number of sectors reassigned to a special reserved area. Probably the most important parameter of the whole assessment. Highly important parameter.
7. Seek Error Rate - shows the frequency of errors while positioning the magnetic head block. Also important parameter.
9. Power On Hours Count (Power-on Time) - shows the number of hours during which the hard disk had been active.
10. Spin-Up Retry Count - the number of retry of spindle start attempts, if the first attempt failed.
194. Temperature (HDA Temperature, HDD Temperature) - contains temperature sensor readings of the mechanical part of the disc.
197. Current Pending Sector Count - the number of sectors that are candidates pending for reassignment. They have not yet been identified as bad, but they differ in reading compared to stable sector, these are so-called suspicious or unstable sectors. Important parameter.
198. Offline scan UNC sectors - the number of bad sectors found in off-line SMART test, according to parameters set in firmware. Important parameter.
199. Ultra DMA CRC Error Count - the number of errors that occur during data transfer on the external interface (cable) in Ultra DMA mode (integrity package failure, etc.). The increase of this attribute indicates bad (wrinkled, twisted) cable and bad contacts.
200. Write Error Rate (MultiZone Error Rate) - shows the total number of errors that occur when writing sector. May indicate defective surfaces or degrading heads. Important parameter.
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Victoria 4 47 البرنامج الروسي الرائع لاصلاح الهارد ديسك direct link (wait 4s)
How to Use Victoria to Test and Fix Your Hard Disk in 2018
Watch how to check a hard, external or SSD drive for surface defects or bad sectors, and fix them with the free program called ...
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Victoria 4 47 البرنامج الروسي الرائع لاصلاح الهارد ديسك