Dr Bob brings you SCP Foundation Euclid Class object, SCP-1590 - The Book of Tamlin Animation (Cartoon Animation).
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SCP 1590 is a one kilobyte program, or 'application,' designed for use with touch screen hardware such as tablets, calling itself 'The Book of Tamlin.'
The game always begins with a dedication screen, containing the message "To Joey, who taught me how to be cool, and (name of last person to play the game), who almost made it out."
The user is presented with a series of tasks, directing them to find objects hidden in the room image of SCP1590 .
Within seventy-two hours of finishing the game, a door the user opens will connect to what appears to be a room from the game. Attempts to follow users through said doorways have so far met with failure. Any tracking devices cease to transmit after the user passes through the doorway. After seventy-two hours of finishing the game, any door opened by the user will result in the altered doorway, although no compulsion exists to force them through it.
Watch ALL of DrBob's videos including SCP 150 The Body Stealing Parasite and SCP 3700 Tides of War here:
This video, being derived from http://scp-int.wikidot.com/scp-1590 written by AdminBright, is released under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
Narrated by Joe Cliff Thompson
#drbob #scp #animation