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Vienna Walk City Center, September 2024 | 4K HDR

anbax 11,476 5 months ago
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Consider subscribing: Location: Vienna, Austria Date: September 2024 Weather: Sunny Air Quality Index (AQI): 37 (Good) Air temperature: 24° C / 75° F Humidity: 56 % 0:00 Mölker Steig 1:00 Schottengasse 2:10 Freyung 3:05 Herrengasse 9:30 Michaelerplatz 10:35 Kohlmarkt 15:00 Tuchlauben 20:00 Hoher Markt 21:30 Anker Uhr 22:20 Hoher Markt 23:15 Rotenturmstraße 24:40 Ertlgasse 25:40 Bauernmarkt 28:10 Freisingergasse 28:40 Trattnerhof 29:30 Graben 31:30 Stock-im-Eisen-Platz 33:00 Kärntner Straße 36:10 Neuer Markt 38:20 Kärntner Straße 46:35 Karlsplatz 52:35 Resselpark, Karlsplatz 55:25 Karlskirche 57:35 Resselpark, Karlsplatz 58:25 Argentinierstraße Information about Vienna: Hello from Vienna, the capital of Austria. It is also the largest city von Austria, known for its rich cultural heritage, classic music und historic architecture. Vienna has also a vibrant art scene, with numerous museums and galleries. The city is synonymous with classical music, having been the residence of famous composers such as Mozart, Beethoven and Strauss. The city is recognized for its high quality of life and consistently ranks among the worlds most livable cities. Information about this video: It's already the end of September again, how time flies! This walk shows you the beautiful old town of Vienna in the autumn. The weather was very pleasant, with 24 degrees Celsius and sunshine. I hope you enjoy this walk. Enjoy the walk with your Viennese host, anbax :) If you like the video, please give a thumbs up. Thanks! You now also have the opportunity to say thank you with Super Thanks! Drop your comments, questions and feedback in the comment section. Thanks for your support! You can support me on PATREON: Special thanks to all patreon supporters! :) Follow me on instragram @anbax This Video was recorded in Dolby Vision - High Dynamic Range (HDR). HDR videos show higher contrast with more colors than standard digital video. You can watch HDR videos on compatible mobile devices and HDR TVs. On non-HDR devices you will see the video as a standard dynamic range (SDR) video. If the footage is blown out it’s probably because your browser/device is not HDR compatible. If this happens please try a different browser/device. Data protection notice: This video only shows what was recorded that day. The aim of the video is to record and document cities or landscapes, demos or events. The video is not intended to film people, reenact them or put people in uncomfortable situations. Editing the video can take several days or weeks until the recordings are finished. The content shown may be a few weeks old. The exact date of the recording will not be published for data protection reasons. If you were recorded in this video and do not agree to its publication, please contact us. We will pixelate and obscure the area you requested. This applies to faces, entire bodies, or even entire scenes. You can also request that your house, apartment, car or license plate be unidentified. Datenschutzhinweis: Dieses Video zeigt nur das, was an dem Tag aufgenommen wurde. Das Ziel des Videos ist das Aufnehmen und Dokumentieren von Städten oder Landschaften, Demos oder Veranstaltungen. Das Video ist nicht dafür gedacht Menschen zu filmen, nachzustellen oder Menschen in unangenehme Situationen zu bringen. Die Bearbeitung des Videos kann mehrere Tage oder Wochen dauern, bis die Aufnahmen fertig bearbeitet sind. Die gezeigten Inhalte können also einige Wochen alt sein. Das genaue Datum der Aufzeichnung wird aus Datenschutzgründen nicht veröffentlicht. Solltest du in diesem Video aufgenommen worden sein und mit der Veröffentlichung nicht einverstanden sein, so kontaktiere uns bitte. Wir werden den von dir angeforderten Bereich verpixeln und unkenntlich machen. Dies gilt für Gesichter, ganze Körper oder sogar ganze Szenen. Zudem kann die Unkenntlichmachung auch für dein Haus, deine Wohnung oder dein Auto oder Kennzeichen beantragt werden. #vienna #walk #walkingtour
