This is my first gear review where I am sharing my thoughts on how the New Large Advent sound, their design aesthetic and other details.
Please let me know your thoughts on the content and make some suggestions on what you would like to see in a future review. Any following reviews of speakers will be compared to the Large Advent as a reference baseline.
Scoring: I have decided to rate speakers on 5 areas and each area being worth 20 points.
-Style: How do they look, ease of placing into a room/setup, etc.
-Imaging: How broad or how narrow is the perceived soundstage, separation of instruments/voicing
-Lows: Is there sufficient low end or does it need to be supplemented, is it boomy, etc.
-Mids: Good separation of voices, clear and out front
-Highs: Detailed, tonal aspects, non-fatiguing
I am a long time collector of vintage stereo gear like receivers, speakers, amps, turntables and cassette decks from brands like McIntosh, Sansui, Pioneer, Yamaha, Klipsch, JBL, Marantz and many others. Be sure to subscribe so as not to miss future videos.
The link for this video is:
#bestvintageaudio #vintageaudio #classicrock #records #vintageadvent #audiogear #pioneerspeakers #audiocollections #audiophile #stereo #klipschorn #advent #vintagespeakers #vintagestereoequipment #vintagestereo #largeadvent