Back in force, the 2021 Vintage Snowmobile Club of the Adirondacks summer expo in on! Cancelled in 2020, this iconic reunion of vintage sledheads and their fabulous collections didn't miss its mark this year! Enjoy many vintage sleds of all makes and models. Tons of twin-track racers, prototype sleds, one-of-a-kind rarities, early race sleds, fully restored and original survivors, this show had it all!
Taking place annually around the 3rd Saturday of August, the Ormstown fairgrounds host one of Quebec (and maybe North-America's) best shows.
Enjoy this video and come see us next year!!!
-An Example For by Captive Portal is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike License.
-Still Weaker than Them by Soft and Furious is licensed under a CC0 1.0 Universal License.
-Powerful Stasis by Soft and Furious is licensed under a CC0 1.0 Universal License.