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Violet Light Codes 432Hz - DNA Alchemy - Violet Ray Sound Bath - Violet Flame Peaceful Healing Sleep

Dynasty Electrik 172,740 lượt xem 4 months ago
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Resonating in harmony with nature and the cosmos, Violet Light Codes 432Hz promote cellular healing and the recalibration of your energy field. This sacred frequency acts as a tuning fork for your soul, clearing karmic imprints and dissolving barriers; drawing you into the vibration of divine love. As you align with these codes, dormant aspects of your spiritual DNA come alive, expanding your awareness and amplifying your connection with the infinite intelligence of the universe. Violet Light is the essence of spiritual mastery, linked to the crown chakra and beyond, helping you access higher wisdom, cosmic knowledge, and divine purpose. The Violet Flame of pure love - the Seventh Ray of violet fire - is a sacred energy associated with purification, divine transmutation, and the awakening of higher consciousness. Release all that no longer serves you and step into the fullness of your soul’s potential, co-creating with the Universe in a state of divine grace and infinite possibility.

Pleiadian Sound Healing Album

Otherworldly tones and ethereal vocals, harmonize with mesmerizing musical landscapes, to create a powerful vortex of healing and transformation. The soothing sounds work harmoniously to activate dormant codes within your DNA, unlocking your innate wisdom and inviting profound shifts in consciousness.

Love and Light,
Jenny & Seth

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