A very special encounter with an exceptional talent on the violin. Mexican conductor Alondra de la Parra meets Spanish violinist María Dueñas during rehearsals for a joint tour with the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen. You can hear excerpts from works by Jean Sibelius, Manuel de Falla and Édouard Lalo. The interview discusses María Dueña’s childhood, her amazing career, winning the Menuhin Competition, her violins made by famous builders, and her work as a composer and filmmaker.
With her impressive musical expressiveness and technical perfection, Dueñas has quickly established herself as one of the most sought-after artists of her generation. At the latest since winning the 2021 Menuhin Competition, she has been in demand worldwide as a soloist and chamber musician.
Born in Granada (Spain), Dueñas began her musical education at the age of five and initially studied at the Carl Maria von Weber Academy of Music in Dresden before moving to Boris Kuschnir’s class at the Music and Art Private University of the City of Vienna as well as at the University of Art in Graz in 2016. Since then she has also lived with her family in Vienna.
Dueñas plays on instruments by Nicolò Gagliano from 17?4 (year not exactly known) and Guarneri del Gesù “Muntz” from 1736. As the winner of the Menuhin Competition 2021, she’s also enjoying a two-year-loan of a Stradivarius violin. In the video she plays Nicolò Gagliano’s violin.
At a glance:
(00:00) Manuel de Falla: Primera danza española from La vida breve
(00:13) Introduction by Alondra de la Parra
(00:48) Manuel de Falla: Primera danza española from La vida breve
(01:25) María Dueñas on her childhood
(01:58) Jean Sibelius: Violin Concerto in D minor, Op. 47
(02:27) María Dueñas on her music education
(03:27) Jean Sibelius: Violin Concerto in D minor, Op. 47
(03:34) María Dueñas on her career
(04:02) Édouard Lalo: Symphony Espagnole in D minor, Op. 21
(04:32) María Dueñas on the Menuhin Competition
(04:54) Édouard Lalo: Symphony Espagnole in D minor, Op. 21
(05:29) Jean Sibelius: Violin Concerto in D minor, Op. 47
(05:47) María Dueñas on her violins
(06:53) Jean Sibelius: Violin Concerto in D minor, Op. 47
(07:46) María Dueñas on Jean Sibelius Violin Concerto
(08:13) Jean Sibelius: Violin Concerto in D minor, Op. 47
(08:31) María Dueñas on her work as a composer and filmmaker
(10:10) Jean Sibelius: Violin Concerto in D minor, Op. 47
(10:55) Jean Sibelius: Violin Concerto in D minor, Op. 47
More videos with Musica Maestra Alondra de la Parra: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_SdnzPd3eBVemv6z8DUkDpUEwP7QBsER
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Thumbnail: © David Ausserhoffer
#MaríaDueñas #AlondradelaParra #MusicaMaestra