Welcome to The Honey Sea Star Tarot! Please Like, Share and Subscribe, and thank you so much for your support! I love ya back!! Weekly Readings are posted on Saturdays and Weekend Readings are posted on Thursdays.
Your Past Does Not Define the Person YOU are Today! Release and Believe Again!
This video is Virgo's Energy and Tarot Message for 3/7/2025-3/9/2025. This weekend you are breaking free from the mental prison of victim mentality caused by past traumas that have kept you from stepping into the leadership role you were born to hold! It might even require a nervous system reset, but by speaking your truth you unblock your throat chakra and set yourself free! Release yourself from the pain and trauma and believe in yourself again! You are the Inner Nurturer. And You Are Free!
The Color Therapy pulled in this reading was Red and Green. The Music Therapy Major Arcana Chords for this reading are F# and C. Embrace these colors and chords to align your chakras and raise your vibration and remember to drink plenty of water to cleanse the energy flow along the way!
I do not do personal readings at this time, but if this reading moved you and you'd like to support The Honey Sea Star Tarot, all donations are gratefully accepted and truly appreciated!
To Donate: paypal.me/thehoneyseastar
The Honey Sea Star Tarot is an energy check-in Virgo Channel for spiritual growth, guidance, and entertainment purposes. Any information provided here is not intended to replace professional medical, psychological, or legal advice. Please take what resonates, leave the rest, and remember that choice and free will are always Yours. The Honey Sea Star Tarot shall not be held accountable for any loss which may arise from any consumer reliance on any service, product, or information provided.
Let your best dreams shape your reality, let the universe help guide you along your journey, and make your life Your Greatest Masterpiece!
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