🇳🇿FREE 5-DAY NZ VIDEO GUIDE HERE ➡️ https://nzahead.com/free/
😃 Contact Charlotte at [email protected] or take the FREE assessment to see if NZ is for you https://www.newzealandshores.com/ea-nzh/
If you want to move to New Zealand and you have a location-independent business (meaning you can work from anywhere in the world on your laptop) OR your current job abroad allows you to work remotely, then this episode is for you.
Today, we welcome back Charlotte from NZ Shores Immigration Advisors and talk about the latest visa introduced by Immigration NZ.
Liz and Brian
🇳🇿 Remember! If you are thinking of MOVING TO NEW ZEALAND and want to know more about the country, SIGN UP below for our FREE 5-DAY VIDEO GUIDE To Life in New Zealand. This will also lead you to more details of the NZAhead Community that Liz and Brian talk about 🇳🇿
🛑 Contact Charlotte at [email protected] or take the FREE assessment to see if NZ is for you https://www.newzealandshores.com/ea-nzh/
⛑️ Brilliant nomad travel Insurance Safety Wing that we use and love: https://itsadrama.com/safetywing-insurance
🎧 If you are SERIOUS about moving to New Zealand and want a PODCAST that is dedicated ONLY to moving to and living in New Zealand, then check out our second podcast, NZ AHEAD, here! ⬇️
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We always welcome friendly, constructive and intelligent comments :) AKA be nice and don't get your knickers in a twist!
Liz and Brian x
#newzealand #nzvisa #nzimmigration
🇳🇿If you know of anyone who would love this New Zealand content, then PLEASE share this episode with them!