Hi ! here is a vlog from themiddle of january which is also a life update because a lot happend in a short periode of time...
Thanks for watching and i hope you enjoyed !
I am 18 year old and i have a neurological disorder which left my legs paralyzed in 2020, I also suffer from chronic migraines and i want to share my experiance, and show how I use bullet journalling to help me. I also recently been diagnosed with ADHD !
Here's my instagram : @hoaslife
my TikTok: @Hoa'slife
My bullet journal TikTok: @bujowithhoa
And my Pinterest: @Hoaslife
And here’s my puppy Instagram:@its_skyla23
and her TikTok: @its_skyla23
My native languge is French so if I make any mistakes please tell me in the comments.