[vlog] 런던에서는 얼빡샷 많이 안 찍었어요🤭📸
하루가 다르게 성장하는 브이로거 보영의
런던 뚜벅이 여행과🚶🏻♀️
'런던아시아영화제' 베스트 액터상과
'청룡영화상' 청정원 인기스타상 수상 현장의 비하인드까지🏆
보영의 하루가 보영👀 IN 런던
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#콘크리트유토피아 #명화
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[vlog] I didn’t take many close-up face shots in London🤭📸
Boyoung, a vlogger growing day by day, travels around London🚶🏻♀️
A behind-the-scenes look at the ‘London Asian Film Festival’ Best Actor Award
and the ‘Blue Dragon Film Awards’ Chungjungwon Popular Star Award🏆
Boyoung’s day👀 IN London
#ParkBoYoung #ParkBoYoung
#ConcreteUtopia #FamousPainting
#London #LondonAsianFilmFestival #BlueDragonFilmAwards
#BHYouTube #Vlog #BHEntertainment
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