안녕하세요 여러분!
진짜 빨리 돌아왔죠? 으헤헿
오늘은 새로운 집에서의 하루를 짧게 담아봤는데 너무나도 감사하게도 이번 영상은 Cambly와 함께 하게 되었어요!
Cambly 직접 사용해보니 영어회화에 너무 많은 도움이 될것 같아서! 여러분들께도 소개해드리게 되었습니다🩵
영어공부에 관심이 많으신 분들은 꼭! 아래 혜택 받아보셨으면 좋겠어요!
내 영어 레벨을 확인하고, 맞춤형 피드백을 받고 싶다면! 지금 Cambly의 Speaking Quiz를 해보세요! https://krcambly.com/happyharuusq
Hello everyone! I came back really fast, didn’t I? Hehe. Today, I briefly captured a day in my new home, and I’m so grateful that this video is in collaboration with Cambly!
After trying Cambly myself, I found it to be really helpful for improving English conversation skills, so I wanted to introduce it to you all as well 🩵 For those of you who are interested in studying English, I hope you take advantage of the benefits below!
If you want to check your English level and receive personalized feedback, try Cambly’s Speaking Quiz now!
instagram: happyharuu
광고/협업 (biz contact): [email protected]