Ordinary day?
いつもご視聴、温かいコメントやいいね、スーパーサンクスもありがとうございます🫠 Thanks for watching, likes, comments, super thanks 🫶
コメントは3〜5回くらい読んでからハートマーク押してます🙏 I read comments, many times before i ♡ them.
01:00 morning walk~panera
03:45 close to heaven
06:22 to haircut
08:15 Talking points~ siesta
09:29 Eyes checked ~
10:57 To theater dance ~dinner
13:27 On my way home
14:42 Night talking points
MUSIC @epidemicsound
と です Hi I am Toh.
Welcome to my Vlog✏️
今の日常をiPhone カメラで遊びながら記録しようと思いました🫶
将来的に映画fish chowderも作りたいので、その練習?も兼ねています🎞️
Im a Japanese gay male living in New York City.
As an aspiring filmmaker, this Vlog is for me to play with visual and story-telling (though it is non-fiction).
There was no better subject than myself. For now. I think I love NYC as much as David Lynch loves Los Angeles.
#ゲイ #gay #40代男性 #海外在住 #newyorkcity