2024新加坡泰勒絲演唱會vlog🇸🇬史上最棒的演唱會精華全記錄✨200分鐘不間斷的回憶殺表演🪩金沙酒店LV巧克力店/亞坤咖椰吐司開箱🤤 2024 TaylorSwift The Eras Tour vlog | The Eras Tour Singapore N4, 2024/03/07 | 新加坡4天3夜自由行vlog
IG @flowei_94
0:00 Opening
0:42 亞坤咖椰吐司
2:07 金沙酒店&購物商城
4:32 新加坡卡爾登酒店開箱
6:06 演唱會艱辛的入場過程
10:28 開場了❗️ it's been a long time coming
11:25 Cruel Summer Bridge
12:09 Lover talk
14:43 Fearless + YBWM + Love Story
15:54 Evermore talk
18:30 Reputation Era
19:26 Enchanted + Red Era
21:40 Style + Blank Space
22:33 Surprise songs
24:08 Midnights Era + ending
25:47 散場& 感想
31:24 下集預告
Music track: Lighthouse by Ocean Bloom
Source: https://freetouse.com/music
Music for Videos (Free Download)
Music track: Italian Background Music Free Download Music
Music track: Blank Space (Karaoke Version) · Taylor Swift
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