안녕하세요. 어느덧 중순을 넘어가는 12월의 마지막을 향해달리고 있습니다. 어떻게 보내셨나요? 저는 지난 한주 동안 따뜻한 국물요리를 해 먹으면서 평범한 일상을 보냈습니다. 올해가 아직은 ^^ 2주가 남은지라, 못이룬 올해의 목표였던 필기체 연습도 꺼냈습니다. 아직은 2주가 남았는데, 지금이라도 올해 하고프던걸 시작해보시면 어떨까요? :)그럼 올해 목표는 시작했네, 라며 조금은 후회가 덜 할거에요 ^^
남은 이번달도 열심히 나아가보겠습니다. 제 영상으로 조금이나마 평온해지시길 바라요!
저의 채널을 구독해주시면 정말 큰 힘이 됩니다, 오늘도 감사합니다!
Hello?! We are already approaching the end of December, which is already halfway through. How did you spend it? For the past week, I have been leading a normal daily life, cooking and eating warm soup dishes. Since there are still 2 weeks left in this year, I also brought up my cursive writing practice, which was a goal I couldn't achieve this year. There are still two weeks left, so why not start doing what you've been wanting to do this year? :) Then, you will feel a little less regret, thinking, “I’ve started my goal for this year” ^^
I will work hard for the rest of this month as well. I hope you find some peace through my video! Please subscribe, like and comments to help me to keep filming my video!
World Goes By-Houses On The Hill
Love You For It All(Instruments Version)-Daniel Gunnarsson
My Open Hand- Dawn,Dawn,Dawn
Constellation- Loving Caliber
Where I Want To Be-Sunfish Grove
Me and You-Sunfish Grove
-“Epidemic Sound 무료 체험판에 가입하세요”
#일상브이로그 #조용한일상#40대브이로그#food #asmr #집밥 #slowlife #브이로그 #소소한일상 #cooking #슬로우라이프#kfood #요리 #cozyhome #cozy