-own nothing ecxept the video, neither the clips in the video or the traslation are mine. credits to the owners-
for months this video had under 100 views so i thought it was a flop, then all of a sudden it had over 100k views, so thanks for 100k :)
hi, long time no see! (like a year and a half...)
sorry it took so long, but i have a long vmin video to make it up for!
but jesus it's long and it is not even all the clips i have of them. vmin is just *chef kiss* of contents so it's not hard to find clips of them.
sorry to all who subscribed and thought i make more contents fast but my life not really a bed of roses and stuff is hard for me and my attention span is very short most of the time when i'm making videos.
sorry if you can see my mouse pointer in some of the clips. i use a screen recorder for most of the clips and sometimes i dont see it till i make the video.i also allowed comments on this video, so be nice to me, eachother and bts, if not i will disable them. So some who spoke russian decided to talk shit! One said some anti vkook shit. I do not want any anti shit here! I like ot7 and if you don’t , don’t watch my videos! The other said that they should date girls instead of boys because that is the normal thing to do. Nope! do not come with this here! They can be whatever they want! Straight, gay, bi, pan. i do not care! I love them whatever they are! This video is meant to enjoy vmins moments with eachother! Whatever you see it as a shipping or a friendship video is up to the viewer to decide. so i disable the comments.
Enjoy the video!