A full lesson from http://playbetterdrums.com! Check out the school for over 300 videos, PDF worksheets, play-along tracks and personal feedback from me!
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Check out my online drum school - http://playbetterdrums.com
Become a member today and get instant access to over 300 video lessons covering everything from technique & vocabulary to groove and soloing plus PDF transcriptions for every lesson, world-class play-along tracks, Q&A forum and personal feedback!
Now based in LA, Louie Palmer has played with Mike Stern, Tom Scott, Gary Husband, Luis Conte, Tim Lefebvre, Mitch Forman, Janek Gwizdala, Charles Altura, Ruslan Sirota, Bob Franceschini and many more.
Louie endorses Pearl drums, Meinl cymbals, Pro Mark sticks, Evans heads, Alclair In-ears and sE microphones.