A fitting tribute to Queen with Angelina's signature style -so much to uncover here! Lets dive in and enjoy this cover of The Show Must Go On... A note before watching - due to a false copyright claim I’ve had to edit out a portion of the introduction of the song so please bear that in mind when watching, thank you!
If you haven't yet seen my appearance on the Wrapped In A Warm Blanket podcast then you can rewatch here: https://youtu.be/5wIglOdBzVo?si=DIhLbf5QRybPkIie
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Come on over to my Wisio page where I can help you sing and answer any questions you might have for me with a video response - all done remotely:
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*Buy my brand new merch! Ships worldwide: http://www.teespring.com/stores/ninaschofield
Original video: https://youtu.be/6NJv02ot5jg?si=ranszcwGNHbn2F7B
#VocalCoach #angelinajordan