«It is During Our Darkest Moments That We Must Focus to See the Light»
- Aristotle.
Volen Sentir - Neunivai
produced by Alexander Zakharov
executive producer - Sergei Tumanin
line producer - Volen Sentir
godfather - Tim Aminov
director - Artem Ignatyev
cinematographer - Anton Petrov
production PINERY
producers: Pavel Grtsky, Natalie Yurchenko, Elen Demirchyan
starring: Maria Kukushkina, Viktor Neb
1AC - Maksim Gasanov
production design: Alexey Leontiev, Aleksandra Budarina, Dmitriy Zabarankov
style - Masha Dresser
MUAH artist - Irina Gracheva
edit - Artem Ignatyev
edit doctor - Anton Mironenkov
color - Nikolai Vavilov
matte painting - Dmitriy Filippov
sound design: Anjei, Kirill Glezin (433)
special thanks: Temur Shapkovski, Levon Shebeliyan, Vazgen Shebeliyan, Daur Kvicinia, Sergey Kapikyan, Esma Sabua