Voodoo Child (Slight Return) - Jimi Hendrix (acoustic cover)
LESSONS & TUTORIALS: http://patreon.com/coreyheuvel
My album STARBIRD is now available!
TAB: http://patreon.com/coreyheuvel
TUTORIAL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_q5MmQphLg
WEBSITE: http://coreyheuvel.com
My attempt to play one of the most legendary guitar songs of the late '60's era from simply the greatest rock guitar player of all time.. Jimi Hendrix.. if all I get are crossed arms and shoulder shrugs then I'm happy ;). I hope you enjoy it guys!!
Any inquiries: corey@coreyheuvel.com
#Voodoo Child #JimiHendrix #AcousticCover