Hi guys in this video I want to show you how to create a hammered copper pendant. I will cover how to make individual components, how to hammer the wire, how to assemble the components and set gemstones. It's a fun little pendant to make so I hope you enjoy! As always, let me know what you think!⬇
There is a PDF for the frame in this video which can be found here: https://www.imbalicrafts.com/products/tutorial-printable-base-frame-template
A full kit containing all the materials I have used can be found here:
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00:00 - Intro
00:10 - Base frame on paper
01:46 - Hammering the frame
03:53 - Base frame free-hand
08:35 - Joining the frames & adding beads
12:23 - Adding the cabochon
16:10 - Wrapped loop
18:53 - lollipop setting
#wiretutorial #wirediy #wireweaving #weavingpattern #tutorial #diy #jewelrytutorial #frametutorial #copperjewelry #learnwirewrapping #imbalicrafts #copperwiretutorial #pendant #hammered copper #diygift #wirewraptutorial #wirewrap #cabochonwrap #stonesetting #lollipopsetting