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大剧直通车 TV Series 60,377 3 years ago
Video Not Working? Fix It Now ★欢迎订阅★★Welcome to subscribe★ 商业女奇才,周莹励志传奇人生 Zhou Ying, a business prodigy, is a legend#孙俪#陈晓#何润东#任重#胡杏儿#俞灏明#中国古装电视剧#中国电视剧#商业奇才#chenxiao#herundong#renzhong#huxinger#yujingming#Chinese costume drama # Chinese television drama # Business Wizards 《那年花开月正圆》讲述了清末民初的陕西女首富周莹跌宕起伏的励志传奇人生。女人的情感之路关联着清末商业大变革,带着老秦人的中正诚信完整的串联起周莹传奇的一生,为观众展现其青春、成长、情感、大义、担当的商业女奇才。 The full moon and flowers”tells the end of the Qing Dynasty, the First Lady of Shaanxi Zhou Ying ups and downs of inspirational legendary life. For the audience to show their youth, growth, emotion, right eousness, responsible business female prodigy.
