Wagon Wheel | Old Crow Medicine Show | Baritone Ukulele Tutorial
BARITONE UKULELE TUTORIAL - Wagon Wheel, by Old Crow Medicine Show & Darius Rucker. Learn the easy/intermediate baritone ukulele chord progression and strumming pattern while we strum and play along together. Let's have some fun with this one :) -- Kevin
★ G E T T H I S K A L A U K E -- https://bit.ly/37yG4wH
♥︎ J O I N A L L F O R U K E — https://bit.ly/2UhuQHK
✺ W A G O N W H E E L S O N G S H E E T + T A B — https://bit.ly/3an7kPo
✮ F A C E B O O K -- http://bit.ly/2LuL5K7 I N S T A @AllForUke
✮ P R I V A T E L E S S O N S — https://bit.ly/3dqHcoy
☞ M E R C H -- https://bit.ly/2JhgD7i
▼ C O U R S E S - https://bit.ly/3duaS4e
☇ O R I G I N A L S O N G -- https://bit.ly/2WIRASx
Film Credits
Produced by Brittney Duran
Duran Media - https://bit.ly/2MurYmh