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🌿驚蟄 Waking of Insects🌿| Cundhi Bodhisattva Mantra|準提神咒⚡#VGbuddhamusic

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⚡Waking of Insects|驚蟄覺醒 剎那領悟 智慧綻放 當心念轉動,如雷震醒夢中人,驚蟄便在此刻顯現。準提神咒猶如智慧之光,破除內心的迷霧,讓我們在剎那間覺悟宇宙的妙理。 【準提神咒】 稽首皈依蘇悉帝 頭面頂禮七俱胝 我今稱讚大準提 惟願慈悲垂加護 南 無 颯 哆 喃 三 藐 三 菩 陀 Nā mó sà duō nán sān miǎo sān pú tuó 俱 胝 喃 怛 姪 他 Jù zhī nán dá zhí tuō 唵 折 戾 主 戾 準 提 娑 婆 訶 Ǒng zhé lì zhǔ lì zhǔn tí suō pó hē 這不是僅僅的音聲,而是一股穿透煩惱、轉化業力的力量。在每一次持誦中,我們驚覺內在的清淨,體悟準提菩薩的大悲願力,超越世間紛擾,回歸智慧與慈悲的圓滿境界。 願這一聲準提神咒,成為我們心靈的驚蟄,開啟無盡的覺悟之門,走向光明自在的修行之道。 ⚡Waking of Insects|Epiphany Awakening, A Moment of Insight, Wisdom Blossoms When the mind stirs, like thunder awakening a dreamer, Epiphany emerges in that very instant. The Cundī Dharani shines like a beacon of wisdom, dispelling the inner fog of delusion and allowing us to perceive the profound truths of the universe in a single moment of realization. nā mó sà duō nán sān miǎo sān pú tuó jù zhī nán dá zhí tuō ǎn zhé lì zhǔ l zhǔn tí suō pó hē These are not mere sounds, but a force that penetrates afflictions and transforms karmic obstacles. With each recitation, we awaken to our inner purity, experience the boundless compassion of Cundhi Bodhisattva, transcend worldly distractions, and return to a state of wisdom and harmony. May the chanting of this sacred mantra become our Epiphany, opening the gateway to infinite enlightenment and guiding us towards a luminous and liberated path of practice. #softmusic #relaxingmusic #VoiceoftheGanges #tranquility #harmony #pianomusic #Cundhi Bodhisattva Mantra #如是我聞
