奈良井宿の散策 : Walking Around Narai-Juku Post Town (Nagano, Japan)
Narai-juku (奈良井宿)
Narai-juku is the 34th of the 69 post towns on Nakasendo. It is currently located in Shiojiri City, Nagano Prefecture.
00:00 タイトルと木曽の大橋(Big bridge of Kiso)
00:27 下町(Shitamachi)
04:12 八幡宮(Hachimangu)
05:32 杉並木と二百地蔵(Cedar avenue & Two Hundred Jizo)
06:36 専念寺(Sennen-ji Temple)
07:40 法然寺( Hounen-ji Temple)
07:52 下町の水場(Water Place of Shitamachi)
08:13 中町①(Nakamachi)
08:30 大宝寺(Taiho-ji Temple)
09:27 マリア地蔵(Maria Jizo)
09:33 中町散策②(Walking Around Nakamachi)
10:36 神明宮(Shinmeigu)
11:44 御宿 伊勢屋(Oyado Iseya)
12:13 中町散策③(Walking Around Nakamachi)
12:47 長泉寺(Chosen-ji Temple)
13:42 中町散策④(Walking Around Nakamachi)
14:08 浄龍寺(Joryu-ji Temple)
14:51 鍵の手と荒沢不動尊(Kaginote & Arasawa Fudoson)
15:14 上町(Kamimachi)
16:31 中村邸(The former residence of Nakamura)
17:54 上町散策①(Walking Around Kamimachi)
19:15 若宮様(Wakamiya-samaShrine)
20:14 上町散策②(Walking Around Kamimachi)
20:36 高札場(The Site Of The Notice Board)
20:49 上町の水場(Water Place of Kamimachi)
20:55 鎮神社(Shizume Shrine)