20210803 wall cancer update https://fb.watch/792kL_fzjK/ Please click the video to reply
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0:14 Analysis
0:50 Introduction of grinding materials
01:34 Interior wall planing cancer
02:58 Facade scraping silicone
04:49P800 Reverse osmosis paint plus batch soil exterior wall frame edge paint
05:44 Wall cancer regrowth
06:50 Wall cancer time-lapse filming for five days
07:11 Excavation and painting of flower beds
10:24 Testing for leaks
11:22 Paint the interior wall with soil
12:50 Summary
Materials used:
P-800- reverse osmosis
P-507 Wall cancer treasure batch soil
P-526-1 Transparent paint for tiles
P-798 Environmentally friendly and odorless cement paint
#waterproof glue diy
#Permeable waterproof material
#waterproof coating
#Water leaking by the window
#Causes of wall cancer
#Typhoon looking for water leaks
# wall cancer bacteria
#Wall cancer disinfection
# white hair
#catch the leak
#waterproof glue
#Golden monkey waterproof paint
#home improvement