First Lieutenant Walter P. Guenther
DOB: 8 September 1918
Place of Birth: Berlin, Germany
Inducted: 1939
Discharged: 1945
Germany. Army (Wehrmacht)
World War, 1939-1945
Germany. Army. Infantry Division, 50th
Germany. Army. Infantry Division 371st
Prisoner of war (POW): Yes
Service injury: Yes
28 October 2008
Saratoga Springs, NY
Being wounded 3 times in Russia
Helicopter ride
Fleeing Russia
Guenther, Dr. Walter P.
Tarnopol, Galicia
Newspaper clippings and a typed paper on his experiences
Interesting interview
Veteran oral history interview published by the New York State Military Museum. The State of New York, the Division of Military and Naval Affairs and the New York State Military Museum are not responsible for the content, accuracy, opinions or manner of expression of the veterans whose historical interviews are presented in this video. The opinions expressed by those interviewed are theirs alone and not those of the State of New York.