I could not BELIEVE when I found this Variegated String of Hearts for $10 at the Flea Market! It was as if the Plant Gods knew I was coming and led me right smack to where she was located within the first 5 minutes of walking in! AND I DIDN'T EVEN WANT IT! HAHA! WHAT?!
In this video, I share with you "tips" that I have done to make my variegated string of hearts happy and I put that in quotes because, well, SHE IS SO SO EASY!!! It's like, EVERYONE can make her happy! YES, EVERYONE! This has got to be one of my most favorite plants because well, she is o gorgeous and so so SO EASY, I feel so lucky to have it and I hope you get one too!!! (If you didn't already)!
Let's stay connected! Since I'm always plant shopping hehe:
instagram: @sharinatallada
Email: [email protected]
I know what it's like to have a busy week, so chill out with me in my Plantspiration Plant Corner Plant tour hehe:
Also, I bought this Variegated String of Hearts here (not during this video but, like, a while back, same place LOL):
And if you want to just go Plant Shopping then, watch this!:
I appreciate you! LEAVE ME COMMENTS! I LOVE THEM ALL AND RESPOND TO ALL OF YOU! I appreciate you and please know that I do not take making these videos for you for granted :)