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Want MORE MONEY? Do this SIMPLE technique every day! WEALTH Abundance Manifestation - Tap with Brad

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Get your FREE 5-Day Success Beyond Belief Program: The extent to which you don't have what you say you want tends to be the extent to which you are resisting it - including money. Tapping is a great way to clear that resistance so that you are more open to allowing greater financial abundance into your life. Keep at it, and you will find yourself having more ideas about how to enhance your prosperity, and more freedom to take positive actions that lead to the results you desire - in all areas of your life. Think the title of this video is too click-baity...? I don't disagree. However, I believe so strongly in the benefits of tapping that I am mission to get this life-changing tool into the hands of as many people as possible. And if that means using attention-grabbing titles that might be off-putting to some (but aren't harmful), I am that committed. :) Be sure to get your FREE Tap Into Your Best Self 5-Day Program and get started on your journey of tapping into greater self-love, self-confidence, self-forgiveness, self-worth, and more: Please share this video with others - thank you! To go even deeper into this subject, check out Tap into Money: If you are new to tapping, please watch this video so you understand what it is about: And this will also help: Frequently Asked Questions: Search my videos for a particular subject: Yes - there is plenty of research validating EFT/Tapping: Please subscribe, and also join me on: Facebook: Instagram: TikTok: Twitter: Tap o’ the Week Newsletter: Please remember to take full responsibility for your own well-being - practice great self-care, and seek appropriate professional assistance as needed. I encourage you to take a look at this video as well: Thank you. :) Want to leave a tip to support this channel...? Thank you! You can do so here: So that I can make these videos available, I need to state that you must take responsibility for your own well-being if you choose to tap along. While I'm confident that tapping along with this video can provide great benefits, I make no claims as to what, if any, benefits you will receive. While EFT has yielded impressive results in treating physical and psychological issues, not everyone will benefit in the same way. I am not a doctor, and the information presented here is not intended to replace appropriate treatment by a physician or mental health professional. EFT is still in the experimental stage and, while a growing number of PhD's and MD's are adopting it, we cannot claim that it is risk-free. I am unaware of anyone experiencing negative side effects from using these videos, but different people require different care, and depending on a number of variables, it is possible you could uncover deeper issues within the process that this video is not able to address. It is recommended that you consult a qualified health practitioner prior to using this technique. That being said, I hope you will enjoy this video and find it beneficial, and that you will share it with others. This is certainly not intended to be a comprehensive handling of the subject -- I can only cover so much in 5-10 minutes...! I'm also not working with you personally to address specific individual issues. Hopefully, though, it will help you address the issue enough that you can experience greater freedom to live the life you really desire and deserve. For further support, I encourage you to check out the other offerings available from myself and other EFT practitioners, including workshops and private sessions. For more information about tapping, as well as a ton of great resources to help you live your best life possible, please visit: This is only my way of using the process, rather than what might be called official EFT. If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe to my videos and share them with others. I hope you will also sign up for my free newsletter “Tap of the Week” - filled with good stuff for your body, mind and spirit each Monday. Want to change the life of a child - and the world - by introducing them to the magic of tapping...? Of course you do! ;) Check out: I may have live workshops coming up: For further info on EFT, please visit: Be Magnificent! Brad
