Music video for ‘Raido’. Directed by Tuukka Koski, Koski Syväri. Raido” is the reconstructed name of the proto-Norse R-rune and is presumed to signify “riding” or “journey.” The concept of both song and video draws inspiration from old runic poetry where one can for instance read how the horse is said to bring “comfort to the restless” and how the journey is swift for the sitting and toilsome for the horse. It has truly been a blessing and honor to work on this with top-level people such as Tuukka Koski and his team, a fantastic horse such as Balder, all in a stunningly beautiful place full of helpful people (and absurd amounts of Moose I might add). I can only hope that the positive synergy-effect I believe all of the involved felt in making the film, comes through in the final result. I for one am very proud of it.
English and original lyrics below:
#wardruna #raido #musicvideo
Dark clouds drift within
The longing lures
pulls my mind
Will you carry me?
I want to go
Fair foal, I bid you
Sacks rich with gold of the fields
Fare swiftly on flying hoofs
Carry me, and I promise you
Ride out
The storm is stilled, the mind it flies
The drum of hoofs lay the beat
The heart, it follows, two are one
Sets me loose with speedy feet
Wild I rode and ran
Fair foal I spent
The ride is for the horse the worse
Pleasant and swift for the sitting
If I ride you
I ride more
As one is two,
where knots are tied
In bonds are bound
the whole world
If I bond you
I can journey
If you carry me
You carry more
As one is two
where chains are forged
In bonds are bound
the whole world
If you bond me
You can journey
Svarte skyar rir i meg
Lengten lokkar, hugen dreg
Ber du meg?
Vil i veg
Fager fole byr eg deg
Sekkar aud tå åkergull
Fara svint med flyg-før hov
Ber du meg, eg lovar deg
Ri ut
Stormen stilnar, hugen fer
Hovslagtromma takten slær
Hjartet fylgjer, tveim blir ein
Rir meg fri med raske bein
Vilt eg rei og rende
Fager fole sprengde
Reiden er for drøsul verst
Sælt og snar for sitjande
Rir eg deg
Så rir eg meir
For ein er to
Der knutar knytast
I byrd er bunde
Heile verda
Om eg bind deg
Kan eg ferde
Ber du meg
Så ber du meir
Når to vert ein
Der lenkjer smiast
I byrd er bunde
Heile verda
Om du bind meg
Kan du ferde
The new Wardruna album ‘Runaljod – Ragnarok’ will be out on October 21. It will be available in CD, vinyl and digital formats. Pre-order here:
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