Thanks for clicking on this Warframe Beginner's Guide for 2024 and 2025, this guide series will make you ready for Warframe's latest update Warframe 1999!
00:00 Intro
01:19 Starter frame selection
02:28 Settings
03:15 Introductory mission & movement explained
04:00 Choosing your first melee weapon
05:10 Choosing your first secondary weapon
05:30 Choosing your first primary weapon
05:45 Inbox messages and joining a clan
07:43 The Arsenal & restoring the ship
08:13 How to start a mission
08:38 Spy mission
09:43 Rescue mission
11:45 The Arsenal and modding explained
14:57 Solo mode or multiplayer
15:20 Crafting the Ascaris Negator
16:22 How not to waste time
17:00 New Mods explained
19:24 Vor's Prize
20:19 Your next steps
22:06 Mods bench and fusing mods
22:40 Mastery Rank up
25:50 First Mastery Rank test
27:31 Cetus
28:09 Plains of Eidolon
29:12 Saya's Vigil and Codex Scanners
30:27 The Market & MK1 Weapons
32:51 Codex scanning explained
34:22 Venus Junction
35:50 First Aura mod and Orokin Reactor
36:21 Taxon sentinel
36:55 Venus overview
37:32 Defense and Reward Rotations
38:39 Defense gameplay
39:13 Capture
40:05 Mobile Defense
41:13 Upgrading your equipment
42:54 Dissolving mods for Endo
44:20 Fortuna
45:07 Orb Vallis
47:17 Accessing Arsenal from a Hub
50:06 Excavation
51:50 K-Drive Launcher
53:12 The Jackal & farming Rhino
58:16 Mark of the Stalker
59:05 Selling duplicate items
59:58 Where to get resources
1:00:38 Mercury Junction
1:01:35 A dead end and Once Awake
1:03:30 Molten Impact
1:04:02 Accessing Arsenal from Star Chart
1:06:03 Mars Junction
1:06:55 Void Relic segment
1:08:10 Howl of the Kubrow & Survival
1:09:48 Incubator segment & Kubrow Egg
1:11:57 Equipping your new dog (Kubrow)
1:13:19 Checking the foundry
1:14:11 Sabotage
1:15:41 Phobos junction requirements
1:15:51 Maroo's Bazaar & Ayatan Treasures
1:18:38 Void Relics
1:19:34 Earth Spy Vaults
1:20:49 How to open Relics
1:25:28 Upgrading Relics
1:27:00 Why you want to pick Forma blueprints
1:28:00 Phobos Junction
1:28:43 Farming Plastids
1:28:59 Phobos Spy
1:31:02 The toughest boss
1:32:25 Preparations for the next session
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