Lulu fucking dies and fuses with a fish to turn into a mermaid. That's her calling for help after every boss stage, maybe Mona will get it eventually?
I decided I'd commit more to Kat and Ana but chuck in attempts on other stages just to see what would happen. Had a lot of fun cycling through them in the end so I think I'll just do that and practice stuff I feel I'm at a loss for.
Won't lie, this stage is a lot of fun, I really enjoy a majority of the microgames so far and the boss stage is one of my personal favourites. Not sure my game plan is quite there for it just yet but I didn't die at all this time so I feel like having the default position be lowered was a good move. I love how busy it is and how challenging it is even with a strong game plan. I did feel like I'd die to it eventually so I'm surprised I didn't here. That was the difference btw since I died to bosses at least once like every run before this one.
Kinda sad I fumbled at the end, dying to odd microgames but the final death was actually a new situation I'd never seen so I won't beat myself up too much about it. Easily improvable score, absolutely 999able. I can't imagine any stage will be anything unheard of as far as 999s go, I'd be surprised if any of them are harder to 100+ than Penny or Orbulon from Smooth Moves.
I also noticed that it takes ages to reach max speed. I think I barely did there at 101 which... holy fuck finally, I'm actually really glad to see speed increase a lot more gradually than usual. Idk if other stages will follow up on that but it's something I kept coming back to Touched for (on top of max speed being triple rather than double). It helps there feel like there's a lot more progression rather than just plateauing instantly like SM does. I know that doesn't really change anything when it comes to 999s but tbh that's exactly why I like when 999 isn't realistically attainable. That and runs not needing to be over an hour.
But uhh with that out of the way, I feel like if this keeps up, it could be the strongest microgame pool of any in the series...