In 2024 a lot has happened. GLORY brought back the Grand Prix and dropped the 70kg division, while K-1 brought back K-1 MAX. It was arguably the best era for Featherweight and Light Heavyweight. With established fighters like Rico Verhoeven, Petch and Akihiro Kaneko showing why they are one of the best. And the future looks bright with upcoming fighters like Bahram Rajabzadeh, Miguel Trindade and Kacper Muszynski. What a year it has been! But was 2024 actually a good year for kickboxing?
In this video I talk about the VERY BEST (and the not so best) kickboxing of 2024. Like every year I give out awards for those who I think deserved it the most. Enjoy!
0:00 - Best wishes to you all
1:20 - The past and future of THIS channel
4:43 - Did GLORY impress or disappoint?
9:28 - K-1 had an interesting year
11:16 - RISE grows steadily
12:20 - ONE Championship is just ehh
14:05 - The Kickboxing Nerd Awardshow 2024
16:29 - Knockout of the year
19:55 - Upset of the year
24:58 - Upcoming fighter of the year
28:10 - Event of the year
30:15 - Organization of the year
32:08 - Fight of the year
38:02 - Fighter of the year
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