Was Neurosurgery being pioneered over 10,000 years ago?
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Thanks to an article published in IFLScience in July https://www.iflscience.com/neolithic-europeans-walked-around-with-55-centimeter-holes-in-their-skulls-75070 a whole new world of hurt was revealed to us learning just how extensive and sophisticated the practise of trepanation was and how deep in time it goes.
Papers reference are here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1878875024011823
and here: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/222682909_The_antiquity_of_cranial_surgery_in_Europe_and_in_the_Mediterranean_basin
00:00 - Introduction
02:16 - Reading from source article I
03:33 - Trepanation or trephination?
05:21 - Reading from source article II
08:59 - Aesthetics? Antibiotics?
10:11 - Reading from source article III
11:41 - Five methods of trepanation
14:29 - The deeper chronological & geographical spread of trepanation.
16:10 - Evidence from North Africa
17:11 - Evidence from Iraq
17:41 - Evidence from Ukraine
18:30 - Practising on animals?
19:41 - A sophisticated procedure baked into the culture
24:05 - A rapid response team?
26:22 - Wrapping up & goodbyes
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