If you are struggling with a weed addiction or cannabis substance use disorder and are thinking about quitting weed and getting sober this AddictionMindset video is for you! In this Brief video Dr. Frank discusses if quitting weed and getting sober is worth it? Is it worth going through the THC detox and withdrawal symptoms? Is it really worth quitting smoking pot and taking a lifelong tolerance break from marijuana? Wether you are struggling with your addiction recovery and a relapse prevention plan or you have cannabinoid hypermesis syndrome this Addiction Mindset recovery coaching video is for you! For more information on how to quit smoking and motivational self improvement content be sure to check out the links below!
Free 7 Step Guide to quit weed:
Book 1:1 addiction recovery call with Dr Frank:
Join the AddictionMindset group coaching program (free 7 day trial)
Purchase KickIt Crave Less Gum To Help You Quit Cannabis:
Free Masterclass On THC Drug Testing:
Get Exploro THC Test Strips For 10% off (at home drug test)
Read These Books To Overcome Addiction: Read All 4!!!
Dopamine Nation: https://amzn.to/3CTQ6w0
Rational Recovery: https://amzn.to/3ZwlFF0
The Freedom Model: https://amzn.to/3CU2jRk
The Easy Way To Quit Smoking: https://amzn.to/4eUmrQv
#addictionmindset #quitsmokingnow #motivation