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Wastewater Secondary Sludge Collector Drive Repair and Related Certification Exam Information!

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Welcome! I am a CA Grade 4 Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator and Chief Plant Operator. I also hold a CA D3 Drinking Water Distribution Operator Certificate and a CA T2 Drinking Water Treatment Plant Operator Certificate. Today we remove and replace a failed gear drive for our Secondary Sedimentation Basin Sludge Flight Collection System. I give an introduction to the project, give updates as we work on it, show how we put it back together, and do a whiteboard segment where we discuss the flight system (also known as scraper blades) with need to know info for your certification exam!! We also briefly discuss the type of pump needed to pump sludge (progressive cavity/positive displacement vs centrifugal). This info is relevant to all grades and all levels of test takers out there, and will most benefit entry level exam takers like the Grade I, Grade II, and Class C. Like, subscribe, and comment any questions. Enjoy! Chapters: 00:00 - 04:06 Explaining the Project 04:06 - 05:49 Project Progress/Problem With Removing Sprocket 05:49 - 06:47 Sprocket Finally Removed 06:47 - 07:36 Reassembly 07:36 - 10:34 What We Did and What Comes Next 10:34 - 17:34 Whiteboard Lesson on Sludge Flight Collection System Link to changing voltage configuration in motor: My LinkedIn Account: #CAgrade1wastewater #CAgrade2wastewater #CAgrade3wastewater #CAgrade4wastewater #CAgrade5wastewater #ABC #CAgradeIwastewater #CAgradeIIwastewater #CAgradeIIIwastewater #CAgradeIVwastewater #CAgradeVwastewater #wastewater #wastewatertreatment #operator #operatorcertification #examprep #exam #wastewaterexam #wastewateroperator #sludgescraper #sludgecollection #sludge #secondarysludge #sludgeflights #gearreduction #siezedsprocket
