Gosh I sure missed chatting with you guys on here. Honestly, the days that I get to plan, film, and edit are the days that fill my cup up so much. :) Annnyyyway, for all of the new beekeepers and....there is even some info in here for more experienced beekeepers! I hope this video helps give some light to the grand debate of should you start a hive with a 5 frame nucleus colony? A 3 pound package? How about a 10 frame deep? Each option has different pros and cons for each beekeeper and experience level sooo I hope this helps! And if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask!! Oh ANNNNND I live in Michigan so anything I say here could be different for states down south! If it is...let me know! I'd love to hear your opinion and experiences on the topic too! And finally...we have a few nucs left! So go to the link below if you wan to pick up a BeeFit nuc this spring!! Okay byyyye :)
Go to beefitbeekeeping.com to pre-order 2024 spring nucs!
Land Initiative - https://beefitbeekeeping.com/land-initiative/
For 10% off on all Hive Alive products use code Emily10
Join the community on Discord - https://discord.gg/fXPcgt6pwF
NEW my favorite essentials on Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/shop/beefitbeekeeping?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_aipsfshop_aipsfbeefitbeekeeping_D8D39MMRNQNAHMWMHS7G
My most recent blog post Beekeeping Conspiracies?? vvv
The Honey Cast...
Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-honey-cast-w-emily/id1718286125
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/3E3zJQDZDjAba4HtZkyNzZ?si=ySFa9MEvQ0Ce9ClOd5xLXQ
beekeeping, beekeepers, Michigan beekeepers, beekeeping in a northern climate, overwintering bee hives, overwintering beehives in a northern climate, nucleus colony, package of bees, 10 frame deep, how to start beekeeping, beginner beekeeping, varroa mites, how to, honeycomb, day in the life of a beekeeper, equalizing, entrance reducer, robbing screen, breeding queens, breeding program, survival stock, treatment free, brood breaks, frugality test, wintering bees in a cold climate, over wintering nucleus colonies, 5 over 5 nucs, brood nest, cluster size, varroa mites, pollination hives, pumpkin pollination, Michigan queens, Michigan queen breeders, frame feeders, sugar water, sugar water ratio, fall feeding, preparing for winter, motivational, beekeeper problems, beefit beekeeping, how to become a successful beekeeper, reasons not to be a beekeeper, should I be a beekeeper, should I quit beekeeping, getting ready for spring beekeeping, my bees died.